Tuesday, June 9, 2009

ended 3day2night peang live camp...

last weekend me went to penang to joined d live camp tat organised once in a year,5jun(fri) me arrived at penang n my best fren big head came to fetched me,a bit tired bcos take 5hours to reached penang frm kl...we get lost while in d way go to d destination tat place in a chinese primary sch,but we managed to reached thr abt 4pm n aftertat directly register our name n we received a camp cloth n oso a handbook,paid rm20 for register fee...we r getting late bcos d camp was began at 2pm but it's ok for us bcos we r being a assistant to help our member group to go through tis 3d2n live camp,abt 200++ joined d live camp n got 13group,each group hv 17-20 person...
1st day,d special part was in d night,we all has been told to going slp abt 10.3opm n they donot allowed ppl go to toilet to hv a bath,actually was a trick tat set up to fool all of us,but we oso not stupid at all,we all doubting thr mus be smthg happend later,not out of our expected,we r required to passing a series of task game n collected $$ to saved a ladies wic kidnapped by somebody,d game not very fun n they oni allowed us going to slp at 3am,walao,totally exhausted,tot can slp well in tat night but actually vice versa,me shimian,very soi la,til 6.30am nid to woke up n me don't even having a one hour slp...@_@
2nd day,very tired le,cannot concentrated while d lecture was in progress,me alwys 'diao yu',so decided go bec my room hv a slp,me saw big head n he wan tk smthg in d room,then we both jus like knew each other thinking,we planned to slp for a while n he has been scolded by his group member aftertat,haha,daiseh...at night,as usual each year live camp mus hv campfire,evry1 so high n dance til sweat over d body,haha,tat night reli can slp well le,jus lie down can directly fall in slp,no more shimian,hehe....but next day stil feel sleepy~~
d next day,oso d last day in camp,me met some fren thr in my group member,most of them was borned on 1993,me jus realize me r getting older ady..=.=''
b4 ended of d camp,d organiser review bec d photo tat catch by few photographer in tis 3day,but i didn't c my face appeared thr,maybe too black le can't c my face,nid to smile alwys jus can c me,haha...d organiser oso issue each person d certificate + whole group member pic,i like tat pic very much,tis can show tat how gud they r,appreciated for those who 2gether planned n conducted d live camp n they said tis was spended abt 6month to finished tis live camp campaign,next year they planned d live camp at perlis,hoped can participate at tat time...


  1. chicken ah..got camp in penang didnt ajak d...

  2. wat chicken...sound very suck...next year lo...haha
