Friday, May 29, 2009

innocent!!!turn me to d bad mood...

2day,not 30may la,was 29may,earlie in d morning abt 7.45o'clock,i heard a lady knocked on my hm's door n me lz to woke up bcs i tot come again d ppl tat came over to spread d religion 1,so i'm pretending nobody here n kept cont my dream.Oh ya,let me introduced tat lady 1st,she is my neighbour which live on 4th floor while me is live on 5th floor within a same block of flat house,cont....aftertat me went to toilet n looked down d bottow thr frm my house's balcony,n heard tat lady shout ''hey!!!boy!!!came down here!!!''...jus abt few more minute she knocked on my door again n me stil dunwan open d door but she kept on knocking make me feel angry n ask her wat she wan actually,n she told me tat last night got ppl knocked d wall n d floor to make noise,n oso got ppl left 衛生棉 on her house's front door,then me said me oso saw tat thing when i came bec frm worked,n oso heard d sound at midnight abt 2am,me oso swear to god i'm reli innocent at all,but frm d toned of tat lady i knew tat she was implied was me did all tis fcuker thing,wtf....GOD,i'm reli INNOCENT 1....jus can said tat day not my lucky day n d mood suddenly turned to extremely bad...but d funny thing was tat lady shaked d hand wif me n told me if got anythg tat dunot satisfied can talked face-to-face,DAMN,after me explained for such a chang pian da lun to her tat i'm innocent,at last she stil didn't believed on me,gek sei me!!!!!!!!!
hoped tat person tat did tat fcuker thing go to hell ASAP n wish tat guy born d child no si fat!!!!dare to let me borned d black sheep!!!!! forgive me if i'm too rude...gud9 la,oredi 3am...@.@

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

my fren's worst day...

maybe i'm not suitable to writting blog,y said tis leh,bcos me duno d way to hv a new post of my blog,jus bcos me no yet sign in....omg...even me oso laugh on myself y i can such a stupid,headache...=.=''
2day morning woke up d 1st thing i did was check my exam result,same as my expected,i'm pass...hoho,aftertat arrived at tutorial class but actually had lecture thr,y.kian arrived after me,he was attended d lecture although he knew tat he failed 1sub n cannot proceeding to adv diplm ady,bcos 2day we plan go to sing k...abt 2pm we arrived at s.w n tis time i can saw tat y.kian was not happy at all,not acted like usual,a bit quite in d karaoke box,oso seldom to sang,i knew he was try his best in d exam,i hope he can be strong n overcome d sadness tat bother him,sad or happy d live stil hv to go on,tis is so-called LIFE!!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

1st time

haha,1st time write blog,very nervous,duno wat to write....
now nthg to do,jus wan to feel d feeling to writing blog,me no hv habit of writing diary oso,so evrytime write a phase of word nid to think abt 5 minute,paiseh la...hoho
by d way,tis is a gud start for me,n oso can spend d leisure time,here me strongly encourage every1 to hv ur own blog,tat's all for 2day la,c when i'm boring wil spend some time to update my blog lo,i wil be bec,hohoho~~