Saturday, July 11, 2009



今天和往常的周末一样,闲着无聊没事做,就打算睡午觉,不过楼下突然闻到一阵烧焦味,很久都不散,还以为谁那么没公德心到处烧垃圾,不管那么多了,睡觉最重要。。。没多久,突然听到隔壁邻居喊''rumah terbakar'' 。。。听到这一句时整个人都慌了,真的是吓到~~所谓三十六计走为上计,哈哈,拿了电话就走人,原来是三楼着火了,还好我是住五楼,我想应该不会那么快烧到我家吧!!外面人山人海,来了很多八卦的人,哈哈。。。大概十分钟过后,消防车来了,当时的心情就仿佛在地狱看到了天使(虽然这样说有点夸张),真得很佩服那些消防员,当所有人都顾着逃命时,唯有他们不顾生命的危险第一时间把火扑灭了,佩服佩服,在此向他们敬礼,不是每个人都可以怀着“牺牲小我,扑灭大火”(特地为消防员量身改造的)的精神,辛苦啦!!!火被扑灭后,我就继续睡我的觉,养足精神最重要。。。^_^ ~~再此提醒大家出门时记得检查家里的电器和煤气,没用的电器就随手把插头拔掉,这样做说不定会免了一场灾难哦!!!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

pressure...gud or not gud??!!

wat is pressure my opinion,pressure is d feeling tat caused ppl wan die cannot die,but if alive just like live in hell,haha...there is no like or wrong answer,jus depend on how we treat pressure in wat way,u can say it is gud thing bcos ppl alwys said pressure can give motivation to do thing better,u also can say it is bad thing bcos pressure can make life tension,no matter who are u,every human being must got their own pressure to deal with,included me,as a tarc student tat study adv diplm,evryday worrying d assignment tat no yet done,worrying d mid-term test tat around d corner,worrying reduce mark by MIS fei po,omg...all tis matter drived me crazy,but wat can i do,time is not waiting for us,hapi or not life still hv to go use also if we alwys complaint life is suck n meaningless,our destiny hv to decide by ourself,put more effort if u wan to fulfill smthing.if we failed at d end we also won't regret as long as we ady try our best,we 2gether jia yo ba...n alwys keep ur smilling on ur face ya...^_^

Saturday, June 20, 2009


在一個風和日麗,有點悶的早晨,突然很想寫部落格,不過也沒是麽好説的,就只是要消磨時間,不然我會悶死。我有點像宅男??哈哈,可能吧。。。每天都呆在電腦前上網看戯,出門也只是去打包,可是周末也會經常去跑步啦,留了整身汗人也精神點。。。其實我也很好玩,就是沒有朋友陪我出去,可能是時候找個女朋友了,生活才不至於那麽悶,不過說就容易,要找到你愛她而她也愛你的應該沒那麽容易吧,哈哈。。。雖然說平時禮拜一到拜四上課會有些累,但至少生活充實嘛,很討厭無所事事的感覺,簡直叫人發瘋!!!下個星期ck和ls都約打球,哈哈,反應很快的就直接答應了,我在這裡唯一的興趣就是打羽球了,雖然說我不是很pro,不過也不至於很差吧,這樣說好像有點臭美,管它的~~昨天看到jinmun msn那裏寫transformer最新一集的很好看,我就問她幾時有空一起約出來看戯,她說下個星期三,不知道說真的還是假的,還說如果只是我們兩個去而已也可以,真的給她嚇到,然後就跟那個很pat的ls說我要約jm去看戯,她就死命問我是不是喜歡jm,真的給她氣到~~奉勸大家有事麽事都不要跟她說了,哈哈!!!想一想等下打算溫習一下明天要上的課,不然每次上課都不知道老師說什麽東東,覺得很對不起我父母,可是讀書對我來說就好像催眠一樣,人家都說要愛上自己所讀的課目,這樣讀起書來才會事半功倍吧,可能我就是缺少這一點,突然覺得我做人真失敗,唉~~

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

ended 3day2night peang live camp...

last weekend me went to penang to joined d live camp tat organised once in a year,5jun(fri) me arrived at penang n my best fren big head came to fetched me,a bit tired bcos take 5hours to reached penang frm kl...we get lost while in d way go to d destination tat place in a chinese primary sch,but we managed to reached thr abt 4pm n aftertat directly register our name n we received a camp cloth n oso a handbook,paid rm20 for register fee...we r getting late bcos d camp was began at 2pm but it's ok for us bcos we r being a assistant to help our member group to go through tis 3d2n live camp,abt 200++ joined d live camp n got 13group,each group hv 17-20 person...
1st day,d special part was in d night,we all has been told to going slp abt 10.3opm n they donot allowed ppl go to toilet to hv a bath,actually was a trick tat set up to fool all of us,but we oso not stupid at all,we all doubting thr mus be smthg happend later,not out of our expected,we r required to passing a series of task game n collected $$ to saved a ladies wic kidnapped by somebody,d game not very fun n they oni allowed us going to slp at 3am,walao,totally exhausted,tot can slp well in tat night but actually vice versa,me shimian,very soi la,til 6.30am nid to woke up n me don't even having a one hour slp...@_@
2nd day,very tired le,cannot concentrated while d lecture was in progress,me alwys 'diao yu',so decided go bec my room hv a slp,me saw big head n he wan tk smthg in d room,then we both jus like knew each other thinking,we planned to slp for a while n he has been scolded by his group member aftertat,haha, night,as usual each year live camp mus hv campfire,evry1 so high n dance til sweat over d body,haha,tat night reli can slp well le,jus lie down can directly fall in slp,no more shimian,hehe....but next day stil feel sleepy~~
d next day,oso d last day in camp,me met some fren thr in my group member,most of them was borned on 1993,me jus realize me r getting older ady..=.=''
b4 ended of d camp,d organiser review bec d photo tat catch by few photographer in tis 3day,but i didn't c my face appeared thr,maybe too black le can't c my face,nid to smile alwys jus can c me,haha...d organiser oso issue each person d certificate + whole group member pic,i like tat pic very much,tis can show tat how gud they r,appreciated for those who 2gether planned n conducted d live camp n they said tis was spended abt 6month to finished tis live camp campaign,next year they planned d live camp at perlis,hoped can participate at tat time...

Friday, May 29, 2009

innocent!!!turn me to d bad mood...

2day,not 30may la,was 29may,earlie in d morning abt 7.45o'clock,i heard a lady knocked on my hm's door n me lz to woke up bcs i tot come again d ppl tat came over to spread d religion 1,so i'm pretending nobody here n kept cont my dream.Oh ya,let me introduced tat lady 1st,she is my neighbour which live on 4th floor while me is live on 5th floor within a same block of flat house,cont....aftertat me went to toilet n looked down d bottow thr frm my house's balcony,n heard tat lady shout ''hey!!!boy!!!came down here!!!''...jus abt few more minute she knocked on my door again n me stil dunwan open d door but she kept on knocking make me feel angry n ask her wat she wan actually,n she told me tat last night got ppl knocked d wall n d floor to make noise,n oso got ppl left 衛生棉 on her house's front door,then me said me oso saw tat thing when i came bec frm worked,n oso heard d sound at midnight abt 2am,me oso swear to god i'm reli innocent at all,but frm d toned of tat lady i knew tat she was implied was me did all tis fcuker thing,wtf....GOD,i'm reli INNOCENT 1....jus can said tat day not my lucky day n d mood suddenly turned to extremely bad...but d funny thing was tat lady shaked d hand wif me n told me if got anythg tat dunot satisfied can talked face-to-face,DAMN,after me explained for such a chang pian da lun to her tat i'm innocent,at last she stil didn't believed on me,gek sei me!!!!!!!!!
hoped tat person tat did tat fcuker thing go to hell ASAP n wish tat guy born d child no si fat!!!!dare to let me borned d black sheep!!!!! forgive me if i'm too rude...gud9 la,oredi 3am...@.@

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

my fren's worst day...

maybe i'm not suitable to writting blog,y said tis leh,bcos me duno d way to hv a new post of my blog,jus bcos me no yet sign in....omg...even me oso laugh on myself y i can such a stupid,headache...=.=''
2day morning woke up d 1st thing i did was check my exam result,same as my expected,i'm pass...hoho,aftertat arrived at tutorial class but actually had lecture thr,y.kian arrived after me,he was attended d lecture although he knew tat he failed 1sub n cannot proceeding to adv diplm ady,bcos 2day we plan go to sing k...abt 2pm we arrived at s.w n tis time i can saw tat y.kian was not happy at all,not acted like usual,a bit quite in d karaoke box,oso seldom to sang,i knew he was try his best in d exam,i hope he can be strong n overcome d sadness tat bother him,sad or happy d live stil hv to go on,tis is so-called LIFE!!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

1st time

haha,1st time write blog,very nervous,duno wat to write....
now nthg to do,jus wan to feel d feeling to writing blog,me no hv habit of writing diary oso,so evrytime write a phase of word nid to think abt 5 minute,paiseh la...hoho
by d way,tis is a gud start for me,n oso can spend d leisure time,here me strongly encourage every1 to hv ur own blog,tat's all for 2day la,c when i'm boring wil spend some time to update my blog lo,i wil be bec,hohoho~~