Saturday, July 11, 2009



今天和往常的周末一样,闲着无聊没事做,就打算睡午觉,不过楼下突然闻到一阵烧焦味,很久都不散,还以为谁那么没公德心到处烧垃圾,不管那么多了,睡觉最重要。。。没多久,突然听到隔壁邻居喊''rumah terbakar'' 。。。听到这一句时整个人都慌了,真的是吓到~~所谓三十六计走为上计,哈哈,拿了电话就走人,原来是三楼着火了,还好我是住五楼,我想应该不会那么快烧到我家吧!!外面人山人海,来了很多八卦的人,哈哈。。。大概十分钟过后,消防车来了,当时的心情就仿佛在地狱看到了天使(虽然这样说有点夸张),真得很佩服那些消防员,当所有人都顾着逃命时,唯有他们不顾生命的危险第一时间把火扑灭了,佩服佩服,在此向他们敬礼,不是每个人都可以怀着“牺牲小我,扑灭大火”(特地为消防员量身改造的)的精神,辛苦啦!!!火被扑灭后,我就继续睡我的觉,养足精神最重要。。。^_^ ~~再此提醒大家出门时记得检查家里的电器和煤气,没用的电器就随手把插头拔掉,这样做说不定会免了一场灾难哦!!!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

pressure...gud or not gud??!!

wat is pressure my opinion,pressure is d feeling tat caused ppl wan die cannot die,but if alive just like live in hell,haha...there is no like or wrong answer,jus depend on how we treat pressure in wat way,u can say it is gud thing bcos ppl alwys said pressure can give motivation to do thing better,u also can say it is bad thing bcos pressure can make life tension,no matter who are u,every human being must got their own pressure to deal with,included me,as a tarc student tat study adv diplm,evryday worrying d assignment tat no yet done,worrying d mid-term test tat around d corner,worrying reduce mark by MIS fei po,omg...all tis matter drived me crazy,but wat can i do,time is not waiting for us,hapi or not life still hv to go use also if we alwys complaint life is suck n meaningless,our destiny hv to decide by ourself,put more effort if u wan to fulfill smthing.if we failed at d end we also won't regret as long as we ady try our best,we 2gether jia yo ba...n alwys keep ur smilling on ur face ya...^_^